Why See an Accident And Injury Chiropractor After a Car Collision?
A car accident can leave you hurt or injured even if it’s only a tiny fender-bender. If the extent of the damage is even worse, you may have internal injuries. The best way to find out is to get yourself looked over by a Car Accident Chiropractor.
How Can a Chiropractor Help?
A chiropractic doctor has the training, expertise, and skill to assess and diagnose your condition. Here’s why you should see one after you’ve been in a car collision.
• Treatment for injuries. If you sustained injuries from the accident, get treated. An accident and injury chiropractor knows how to provide timely treatment, so your condition won’t worsen. That will help you recover faster from your injuries. Whiplash is a common injury from car accidents.
• Improves mental health. You may think you’re only exhausted or in shock. But if you’ve been in an accident, you may suffer from trauma or stress. Some find themselves reacting to sudden sounds with panic and alarm. Some find it hard to get behind the wheel again. People have different ways of coping. Receiving chiropractic treatment helps you relax. That lowers your stress levels and makes it less likely for you to develop depression.
• Alleviates pain. If you have pain in your neck, that could be because of the whiplash. Pain in your shoulder or across your body could be caused by the seat belt. Chiropractic treatment can ease the pain.
Why See a Chiropractor?
You should see a chiropractor after a car accident. Here’s why:
• You may have internal injuries. Receiving early care can aid in a faster recovery.
• You may be hurt more than you realize. Some symptoms take a few days or weeks to appear.
• You may have spinal cord damage. Early treatment can help prevent the condition from getting worse.
• You have recurring problems after the accident. A chiropractor can determine the cause of the problem, whether it’s a pinched nerve or pulled muscle.
• You have burn injuries from the crash. Chiropractic treatment can help ease up the knotted muscles to improve your mobility and reach.
How Soon Should You Go?
About 30 percent of car accidents involve the spinal column and neck. The cases can range from sprain and minor bruising to traumatic brain injuries. You may feel a slight sense that something is wrong, like a discomfort in your neck or back. However, if there’s persistent pain, don’t ignore that. See the chiropractor within 48 hours after the car accident. That is for the initial evaluation. The doctor will let you know if follow-up care is needed for your condition. If you want to wait before you make an appointment, don’t. You can ask your doctor before you decide to wait.
What Do the Numbers Say?
A study from the National Health Interview Survey says that just under half of American adults visit the doctor within a year after a car accident. Most go, saying they’re in pain or have health problems as a result. Early treatment can minimize injuries, reduce stress and pain, and prevent long-term complications.